Advertising Overview

The Co-Operative Bank

Number. 1 | Stephen Langdon, Photographer + Vicki Leopold, Director

(1 / 6)

undefined | undefined | undefined
Stephen Langdon | SkyCity Auckland | Treehouse

SkyCity Auckland


Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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Stephen Langdon | SkyCity Auckland | Treehouse

Dementia NZ

Dementia TVC | Directed by Vicki Leopold


Vicki Leopold | Dementia NZ | Quantum Jump

Dementia New Zealand

Quantum Jump

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Tourism Industry Aotearoa

Sharing the Aroha of Toursim | Vicki Leopold, Photographer + Director


Vicki Leopold | Tourism Industry Aotearoa | The Yarn Agency
Vicki Leopold | Tourism Industry Aotearoa | The Yarn Agency
Vicki Leopold | Tourism Industry Aotearoa | The Yarn Agency

Tourism Industry Aotearoa

The Yarn Agency

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Vicki Leopold | Tourism Industry Aotearoa | The Yarn Agency



Stephen Langdon

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Here's to Summer | Stephen Langdon, Photographer & Director


Stephen Langdon | Steinlager | DDB


Joy! Mattress | Photographer + Director, Stephen Langdon


Stephen Langdon | Joy! | Blacksand
Stephen Langdon | Joy! | Blacksand



Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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AA Life Insurance

Muri's Message | Vicki Leopold, Photographer + Director


Vicki Leopold & Stephen Langdon | AA Life Insurance | Quantum Jump

AA Life Insurance

Quantum Jump

Vicki Leopold & Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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Novo Nordisk

Speak Up | Photographer, Stephen Langdon


Stephen Langdon | Saxenda | Essence Health Agency


Essence Health Agency

Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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Pitchblack Partners

Stephen Langdon

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Sports Cards | Photographer, Stephen Langdon


Stephen Langdon | TAB | Pitchblack Partners
Stephen Langdon | Organon | Essence Health Agency
Stephen Langdon | Organon | Essence Health Agency


Carwash | Photographer Vicki Leopold


Vicki Leopold | BP, Carwash | Ogilvy

Unite Against Covid

Do It For Them | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | Unite Against Covid | Colenso BBDO
Vicki Leopold | Unite Against Covid | Colenso BBDO


Sorted Pacific Peoples Pathways to Home Ownership Programme | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | Te Ara Ahunga Ora | BCG2
Vicki Leopold | Te Ara Ahunga Ora | BCG2


CD: Justine Black

Vicki Leopold

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SkyCity Hotel

#yourmoments | Vicki Leopold, Director + Stephen Langdon, Photographer | DOP


Vicki Leopold, Stephen Langdon | SkyCity | Treehouse

SkyCity Hotel

#yourmoments | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | SkyCity | Treehouse

Nura + All Blacks

NuraSound | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | Nura | null

Ronald McDonald House

Fund a Night | Stephen Langdon, Photographer & Vicki Leopold, Director


Vicki Leopold, Stephen Langdon | Ronald McDonald House | DDB Aotearoa

Ronald McDonald House

Fund a Night | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | Ronald McDonald House | DDB Aotearoa

Contact Energy

Bobs Your Uncle

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Contact Energy

"We Salute You." | Vicki Leopold, Director


Vicki Leopold, Stephen Langdon | Contact Energy | Bobs Your Uncle


Find Someone Who Does The Jobs You Don't | Stephen Langdon, Director


Stephen Langdon | Joblist | Badget Communications


Badger Communications

Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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Vicki Leopold | Real Living Group | Bob's Your Uncle

Real Living Group

Bob's Your Uncle

Vicki Leopold

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Real Living Group

That's Real Living | Vicki Leopold, Photographer + Director


Vicki Leopold | Real Living Group | Bob's Your Uncle

Real Living Group

Bob's Your Uncle

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Vicki Leopold | Real Living Group | Bob's Your Uncle
Vicki Leopold | Fideltiy Life Insurance | Proximity NZ
Vicki Leopold | Fidelity Life Insurance | Proximity NZ

Fidelity LIfe 2021

Fidelity Life Insurance | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | Fidelity Life Insurance | Proximity NZ

The Co-Operative Bank

Number. 1 | Stephen Langdon, Photographer + Vicki Leopold, Director


Vicki Leopold, Stephen Langdon | Co-operative Bank | Bob's Your Uncle

Co-Operative Bank

Bob's Your Uncle

Vicki Leopoold

  • 00:00
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The Co-Operative Bank

Number. 1 Campaign Stills | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | The Co-Operative Bank Stills | Bob's Your Uncle

AJ Hackett

What're You Waiting For? | Stephen Langdon, Photographer + Director


Stephen Langdon | AJ Hackett Bungy | Bob's Your Uncle

AJ Hackett Bungy

Bob's Your Uncle

Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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Spark NZ

Spark Moments | Vicki Leopold, Photographer + Director


Vicki Leopold | Spark | Colenso BBDO


MyFlex | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | Vodafone My Flex | DDB


MyFlex | Stephen Langdon, Photographer + Director


Stephen Langdon | Vodafone | DDB Aotearoa

Vodafone My Flex


Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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Samsung + Spark

Beyond Boundaries | Vicki Leopold, Photographer + Director


Vicki Leopold | Spark + Samsung | Colenso BBDO
Vicki Leopold | Spark + Samsung | Colenso BBDO

Samsung + Spark

Colenso BBDO

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Spark + Samsung

Colenso BBDO

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Samsung + Spark

Colenso BBDO

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Special K - Rise With Us | Stephen Langdon, Director


Stephen Langdon | Kelloggs | Wunderman Thompson


Wunderman Thompson

Stephen Landon

  • 00:00
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BP + Wild Bean Cafe

Thank You Coffee | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | BP, Wild Bean Cafe | VLMY&R NZ
Vicki Leopold | BP, Wild Bean Cafe | VLMY&R NZ

True Religion + Man U

Manchester United Collab Photography | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | True Religion + Man U | null

True Religion + Man U

Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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True Religion + Man U

Energy | Stephen Langdon, Photographer + Director


Stephen Langdon | True Religion | null


Richard's Real Kitchen | Vicki Leopold, Photographer + Director


Vicki Leopold | Spark + Richard's Real Kitchen | Colenso BBDO

Spark x Richard's Real Kitchen

Colenso BBDO

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Vicki Leopold | Spark x Richard's Real Kitchen | Colenso BBDO
Vicki Leopold | Spark Business | Colenso BBDO

Sky Sports

Life Needs More Sports | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | SkySports | null

Spark NZ

Spark Image Library | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | Spark NZ | Colenso BBDO

Ara Institute of Canterbury

Advantage You | Vicki Leopold, Director


Vicki Leopold | Ara Insitute of Canterbury | Bob's Your Uncle

Ara Institue of Technology

Bobs Your Uncle

Vicki Leopold

  • 00:00
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Stephen Langdon | Wild South Wines | JWT

Oceania Group

Believe in Better | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | Oceania Group | Young & Shand

Umbrellar Connect

Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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Great Price | Vicki Leopold, Photographer + Director


Vicki Leopold | Countdown | M & C Saatchi

Metro, Cheap Eats

Stephen Langdon

  • 00:00
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5G Police Drones | Stephen Langdon, Photographer + Director


Stephen Langdon | Vodfone 5G | Badger Communications

Winton Group

Winton Group | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | Winton Group | null

Buckley Systems

Ingenious Campaign | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | Buckley Systems | Radiation
Stephen Langdon | Powerade Energy Drinks | Saatchi
Stephen Langdon | Powerade Energy Drinks | Saatchi


Shared Stories | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | BNZ | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | State Insurance | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | State Insurance | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | Adidas | Iris Sydney
Stephen Langdon | Carlton Breweries | Clememger Melbourne
Stephen Langdon | ASB, Visa Lite | With Collective
Stephen Langdon | ASB, Visa Lite | With Collective
Stephen Langdon | ASB, Visa Lite | With Collective
Stephen Langdon | Dominate Hair Gel | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | Fresh Up | null
Stephen Langdon | Fresh Up | null
Vicki Leopold | Cooperative Bank | Bobs Your Uncle

The Co-operative Bank

Right by You | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | Cooperative Bank | Bobs Your Uncle
Stephen Langdon | Strongbow Cider | Clemenger Melbourn
Vicki Leopold | BNZ Business | Colenso BBDO
Vicki Leopold | Spark NZ | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | ASB, Visa Lite | With Collective
Stephen Langdon | Spark NZ | Saatchi
Stephen Langdon | L&P | null
Stephen Langdon | Toyota | Saatchi
Stephen Langdon | East Imperial | JWT
Stephen Langdon | Volkswagen | DDB Aotearoa
Vicki Leopold | Spark x Fulton Hogan | Colenso BBDO
Vicki Leopold | UDC Finance | null
Vicki Leopold | Contact Energy | Bobs Your Uncle
Vicki Leopold | | BCG2

Bombay Sapphire

Botanicals | Stephen Langdon, Photoghrapher


Stephen Langdon | Bombay Sapphire | null
Stephen Langdon | Strongbow Cider | Clemenger Melbourne
Stephen Langdon | Cancer Council | Clemenger Melbourne
Stephen Langdon | Cricket Council | Clemenger
Vicki Leopold | Fonterra | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | Nike | null
Stephen Langdon | Vodafone | Badger Communications
Vicki Leopold | Spark NZ | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | Spark NZ | Saatchi
Stephen Langdon | Spark NZ | Saatchi
Vicki Leopold | Cooperative Bank | VMLY&R

The Raw Kitchen

Vicki Leopold


Vicki Leopold | Raw Kitchen | null
Vicki Leopold | Contact Energy | Bobs Your Uncle
Stephen Langdon | Vondel | null
Stephen Langdon | Bombay Sapphire | null
Stephen Langdon | Mudbrick | null
Vicki Leopold | Fidelity Life Insurance | Badger Communications
Vicki Leopold | Spark NZ | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | ACC New Zealand | FCB
Vicki Leopold | Spark NZ | Colenso BBDo
Stephen Langdon | Huffer | null
Vicki Leopold | Fidelity Life | Badger Communications
Vicki Leopold | Spark x Samsung | Colenso BBDO
Stephen Langdon | Adidas | Iris Sydney
Stephen Langdon | Rookie | null
Vicki Leopold | Spark NZ | Colenso BBDO

Newstalk ZB

Newstalk ZB | Vicki Leopold, Photographer + Director


Vicki Leopold | Newstalk ZB | NZME
Vicki Leopold | Auckland City Mission | .99


Spark Jump | Vicki Leopold, Photographer


Vicki Leopold | Spark Jump | null

Spark Music

Better With Music | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | Spark Music | null


Toyota Believe | Stephen Langdon, Photographer


Stephen Langdon | Toyota | null

Contact Energy

G & D Sustainability Series | Vicki Leopold, Director


Vicki Leopold | Contact Energy Sustainability | Bob's Your Uncle

Umbrellar Connect

Stephen Langdon, Director


Stephen Langdon | Umbrellar Connect | Coles & Co


Cheap Eats, Tinder Date | Stephen Langdon, Director


Stephen Langdon | Metro Cheap Eats | null

Auckland Council

Be a Tidy Kiwi | Stephen Langdon, Director


Stephen Langdon | Auckland Council | null


Sharing the story of CONAN, the amazing new Traffic Safe self-coning truck, told by the ReloadPictures team.


Vicki Leopold + Stephen Langdon | Traffic Safe New Zealand | null